Agreement of Subjects and Verbs Exercises

Agreement of Subjects and Verbs Exercises: Mastering the Fundamentals of Grammar

Proper agreement of subjects and verbs is a critical skill in the English language. A subject and verb must agree in number and person for a sentence to make sense. If there is no agreement, it will result in a grammatically incorrect sentence, which can be confusing and difficult to read.

To improve your understanding of subject-verb agreement, here are some exercises to help you master the fundamentals of grammar:

Exercise 1: Singular and Plural Verbs

Identify the correct verb to use in the sentences below:

1. Mary _____ (is/are) a talented artist.

2. The boys _____ (plays/play) soccer every Saturday.

3. The book on the table _____ (belongs/belong) to me.

4. The committee _____ (was/were) divided on the issue.

5. The choir _____ (sings/sing) beautifully.


1. is

2. play

3. belongs

4. was

5. sings

Exercise 2: Indefinite Pronouns

Indefinite pronouns such as everyone, anybody, and some can be tricky to match with the correct verb. Fill in the blanks correctly with the correct verb:

1. Everyone _____ (has/have) a right to their own opinion.

2. Somebody _____ (is/are) coming to the party.

3. Each of the students _____ (has/have) their own locker.

4. Some of the cake _____ (was/were) left over from the party.

5. None of the food _____ (was/were) appealing to me.


1. has

2. is

3. has

4. was

5. was

Exercise 3: Subject-Verb Agreement with Compound Subjects

When two or more subjects are joined by and, the verb must be plural. Identify the correct verb in the following sentences:

1. Lily and her sisters _____ (enjoy/enjoys) going to the park.

2. The book, pencil, and notebook _____ (is/are) on the desk.

3. Neither the teacher nor the students _____ (likes/like) pop quizzes.

4. My friends and I _____ (was/were) late for the movie.

5. Pasta with marinara sauce and meatballs _____ (is/are) my favorite meal.


1. enjoy

2. are

3. like

4. were

5. is

Exercise 4: Special Cases of Subject-Verb Agreement

Some subjects do not follow the usual rules of subject-verb agreement, such as collective nouns, titles, and phrases starting with there. Choose the correct verb to use in the following:

1. The committee _____ (is/are) discussing the new regulations.

2. The audience _____ (was/were) clapping loudly.

3. The band _____ (was/were) playing their new album.

4. There _____ (is/are) too many people in the store.

5. The staff _____ (is/are) being trained on new protocols.


1. is

2. was

3. was

4. are

5. is

It`s important to note that mastering subject-verb agreement takes practice and patience. By becoming familiar with the different scenarios you might encounter, you`ll be better equipped to structure your thoughts into coherent sentences. Keep these exercises in mind as you write and edit your work, and you`ll find yourself becoming more confident and skilled in your use of grammar.


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