Tech Review: Playstation 4

Hot on the heels of the Xbox One (in Europe, that is, the US got theirs first) comes the Playstation 4.  This is the console that Sony have pinned all their hopes of reviving the sort of fanbase they had with the original Playstation and Playstation 2 on. The Package In an interesting aesthetic battle, Sony have chosen white and blue as their primary box colours, a polar opposite to Microsoft’s deep black box.  My preference goes to the Xbox here, though boxes are often seen once and forgotten about…

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Review: LEGO Marvel Super Heroes

This game gave me one of those gaming moments I will always treasure and remember. You might know what I mean by this if I say “the first time I jumped off of the cliff-top helipad playing the Damavand Peak map in Battlefield 3”. This was more like an epiphany, except it was coupled with the joy you feel whilst watching your child open a Christmas present. Some things are so full of potential that you can be almost too scared to look at them. This is largely due to…

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