Hello Games have released Update 3.5 for their excellent space exploration game No Man’s Sky. Entitled Prisms, the update dramatically refreshes the No Man’s Sky experience with a range of new visual features and technologies.
Designed to take advantage of the latest PC and Console hardware, the update provides some real improvements. According to their official blog, there are some interesting new graphical features available;
The universe has never looked better, with reflections, new texture effects, more biome detail, improved lighting, new skies, new warp effects, creature fur, and a host more besides.
No Man’s Sky now supports screen space reflection (SSR) technology fo
r PC, next-generation consoles, and Xbox One X.
Screen space reflections have been used to add stunning reflective surfaces and to improve lighting quality in the Space Anomaly, space stations, Atlas stations, freighter hangars, derelict freighters and more!
Busy locations feel more dynamic than ever, with starships and lifeforms creating reflections as they move, and lighting in reflective areas feels higher quality and more realistic.

New styles of volumetric lights have been introduced, with coloured and directional volumetrics used to add atmosphere all across the universe.
Examples include the menacing searchlights of Sentinel drones, the soft glow of bioluminescent flora, and the bright headlights of starships and exocraft.
Interstellar travel has undergone a sensory overhaul, with the audio and visuals of the warp experience dramatically reworked.
PC players with compatible NVIDIA RTX graphics cards can take advantage of DLSS, gaining vastly improved performance and visual quality.
DLSS is an NVIDIA RTX technology which incorporates anti-aliasing and super sampling techniques to improve image detail at higher resolutions, without compromising framerate.
Caves and subterranean biomes are now even more alien and exotic. Fungus and flora glows with new atmospheric lighting effects, and environments are more detailed and more diverse.
This is just a selection of the updates, you can read more on the official No Man’s Sky page Prisms Update – No Man’s Sky (nomanssky.com) or, you know, just go play the game!