Horror games, just like their movie counterparts, come in various forms. There’s the hack and slash style, the semi serious horror comedies and then the ones with lurking dread in the shadows. From this short preview version, Those Who Remain seems to be firmly in the latter category.
Playing as Edward, a family man who has risked ruining his life with an affair and who sets out to end it to save his marriage, you’ll find yourself in a sleepy town full of night terrors that lurk in the darkness. Developer Camel 101 have done well to create an atmosphere of dread from the offset, with shadowy figures standing watch and ready to move toward you as the lights go out. Using light as your main tool, you’ll need to solve environmental puzzles to keep the lights on and keep those horrors at bay.

Adding to this light and dark game mechanic, there is a strange parallel world which springs up from lit doorways, a universe which initially feels similar to the upside-down from Stranger Things but which helps to solve some of the puzzles back in the real world. There is also the promise of choosing whether to help or leave other survivors, though this isn’t featured in the preview.
Half walking simulator and half puzzle game with a few elements of running for dear life, there’s enough danger and interesting physics puzzles here to help make Those Who Remain one to watch if you like your horror games. Most of the ideas on offer aren’t new but they’re well presented and it seems the developers have taken the best ideas from several of the genres mainstays to create a solid title.

There’s a really good atmosphere of dread and some interesting psychological elements at play in Those Who Remain. With much more promised from the full game, including some terrifying monsters, I’m looking forward to seeing more, hopefully in a well lit room!