Telltale Games, alongside DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, today premiered episode three of Batman: The Enemy Within, a five-part game series that continues Telltale’s unique take on the World’s Greatest Detective.
After an unexpected reunion, Bruce finds his attention (and his loyalties) stretched in yet another direction. Now, in addition to brokering a power struggle between Commissioner Gordon and Amanda Waller, Bruce must balance romantic entanglements with his mission to infiltrate the Pact. As he plunges deeper into the criminal underworld, the villains’ plan starts to come into focus, but will his deceptions take a dire toll?
Episode three, ‘Fractured Mask,’ is now available for download on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC, Mac, and mobile. A special Batman: The Enemy Within Season Pass Disc for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 is also available at retailers across North America and Europe. The disc includes the first episode of the season, as well as download access to all subsequent episodes as they are released.