Review: New Super Lucky’s Tale

Back in the day you couldn’t move for platformers. Every month seemed to bring a new one, good or bad. New Super Lucky’s Tale is a homage to these and, thankfully, it’s a good one.

The original game on Xbox One managed to take most of the good ideas from the platforming genre and update the formula to give gamers something fresh and new. The Switch version, which tacks a ‘New’ on to the title, is a very solid port of this with a few added extras thrown in.

Lucky, as you may have guessed from the cover art, is a fox and one that has found his family whisked away by the evil Jinx and his villainous family, the dreaded Kitty Litter. Tasked with keeping the magical
Book of Ages safe and using it to jump through portals to different worlds, Lucky needs to get back control of his world and help his family.

The result is a cute and colourful platform game that turns out to be really fun to play through. The Switch doesn’t have enough of these, so even if Lucky’s Tale was mediocre it would have been welcome but, thankfully, the developer Playful have created a really solid and fun game that will keep you entertained.

The main game is a little on the easy side for those veterans of the platform genre but Playful have included the 2 DLC sets alongside the main game with the last one adding a much needed bump in difficultly. Even without these the game remains fun and some of the puzzles still manage to test you. Abilities are slowly added as you play, allowing you to get used to them before the next skill appears and enemies are never overly difficult, so it’s a great game for younger players.

If you’re looking for something fun and light in between all the space battles, strategy games and fighters out there, New Super Lucky’s Adventure is the perfect pick-me up. It may be short but it’s most definitely sweet.

New Super Lucky’s Tale





  • A great looking adventure
  • Good use of puzzles
  • Classic platforming done right
  • Guardian Trials DLC helps bump up the difficulty


  • The main game is a little easy
  • Occasional Frame Rate issues

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One Thought to “Review: New Super Lucky’s Tale”

  1. […] We loved New Super Lucky’s Tale when it arrived back in November, giving it 8/10 in our review. […]

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